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Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Creator

The creator now has plans for your own love,health and romance
As now the universe is prepared for those who have either tried to destroy ,destruct or simply disrespect as a disease!
The creation of what is called healing for the nations has already built up the system that once failed many, be it a decade, or decades ago
This system is now newly placing those in what is called their omega world as in where alpha is in them medicating them as needed to be!

As past post spoke of the part time mental plane
Now they themselves cannot hide behind the video game or the constant insulting another who is full time mental plane
Being a disadvantage is not what they are seen as, for this is their full time physical mind , that they themselves cannot control
Neither can you 
Unless professional
Now allowing what needs to be done as by who*
Stops them
As it allows the completion or the completed cycle of life  etc* to introduce itself to you 
But in a whole new way 
Called Love Health and Romance
A love commitment

Protecting and Stopping 
What can alienate you.
Once again protecting your heart now called body as well as mind called home

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Blessings and Peace Respect Pride And Dignity!

Now the lion  has awaken as along with the crab and twin not being able to carry as a lion never should remember the lioness hunts for the food as with the crab, not snatching as to laughing called because they simply can play look at the crab legs (no pun attended) they can go in another direction while focused straight! As with the lion, being king however does not mean for the kingdom to rule you! You are self sufficient as allowing that to show as threw faith called time and demeanor meaning grow or glow called an growth!
Now the crab grew as to understanding , but now not by judging or comparing! As now being aware of being settle in one place as the sun settles them into what is called their time, as not being unhappy in it. But however filling in a circle of friends instead of allowing someone or anyone to put them in a circle that they know they don't fit in, due to immaturity or just that! The crab having their own friends now allows them in a future realm that idolizes evolution that negativity cannot enter into their earth realm as the doings of their friends are structured ,stable and secured,
That's the circle that the crab needs as friends( i didn't say want!( back to the lion as truly a real lion understands that theirs is not to be interrupted, but as threw love itself the lion still cannot be mentally ruled as well as bodily influenced , remember the king is what it is! As sitting by the tree under the tree as with shade never contemplating, but however allowing the king's mind to be steady stern and seriously stable all the time! Yes as not to ever allow the kings defense down that is as will never happen as their reign is simply passed on, not being taken down or out. But now understanding that the kingdom is his! The twin finally understanding that the biochemistry is what others see on their face, as well as their actions called length or longevity! They now are to be understood as in both strength as well as in weakness as to not remembering which side they fall on can not be blamed on another just themselves! Controlling what is called their own future alphas called family members is what needs to be introduced into a new word called Integrity allowing themselves now to understand not all family is in their alpha time or is any? But integrity called an fruitful respect is what should be applied for those who are not in their eye view or in their time! Yes still show and give respect for the time called integrity for those who are family that you do not see ! Allow a pleasant face to show as their name is mentioned (control the twin in them!)
Now that the lion can sleep knowing that his kingdom is safe secure stable seriously (called his mind)
As the crab can venture safely in a circle of her own friends (friends for her characteristics not the traits*)
And now the twin can see life for other family members as not under or in their time only but rulership now is called respect! And to respect some is not too badface as well as badseed into what is not called the twin time but an individual's lifetime called Integrity!

Yes the twin now has to deal with not only  they blessed but so were others! That's why some family members stay away in a time were the badface or badmouth cannot reach them in their ring realm reality Live!

Now Respect Pride and Dignity
Blessings and Peace