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Monday, June 12, 2017

A Womans Worth / Accepting Acknowledging Agreement

A woman's worth is fertile, as it breaks new grounds as it brings for new life as it helps and gives!
being able to move with the new!
not being able to move forward with the old or bringing in the old
accepting that you are new
as well as those around you
called the hearing (from their earth will let you know!)
this hearing is called the agreement that which ties the woman called in purpose to the will of another!
Once hearing (others) called omega! are now evolving towards the woman's worth.
this movement called hitting the Masses, is what is needed as to being the witness of what has come from the woman's earth.
The Agreement aligns the woman within
into the age of those who are mentally prepared
to the acceptance of the seed after the growth called the stem the leaves now the flower!
The age of the agreement for woman differs as this carries her emotional into a physical plane
One that has become free from the past earth.
the stem sees called saw
then the past leaves fall
leaving a new flower!

This new flower referring to the woman, has now the emotional /mental intact in her physical  plane
this new flower now smells good
,looks good etc* to the present
This new flower now has all 3
the Acceptance Acknowledgment and Agreement
one willed
under the purpose!

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