Welcome To Mercedes Blogs

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Negative Elimination  Of the World has eliminated those who were constantly left as they are now moving in and out of a sphere where they cannot function in the day light!
These people sleep away their mind until a negative 0 appears one who does not know their soul.
 Watch how these people vanish quick into an alignment that was sent to you and your family and your life that sends them far away! Never again to be heard from and or seen and the fear is not there! These where the people who souls haven’t risen.

Moving now is most important as others don’t see the physical at work because they are not in your world to begin with Believing everything is moving as you are standing still effects the world as it is new. Hearing your news that you have been waiting for effects only you as this light cannot be spare or compared. Bringing in the new that you , that believing, that now you are seeing can only describe the 7 sins that are around us all the time

They only don’t have it they have the 4 last things and with your perfect alignment that makes 5 Moving along with them are 6 and then leaving them  at 7 again!

Starting again at 8 they can’t wait to see you and stay late until 9 walks in 9 is the friend that won’t ever hurt you and they know why! And 10 well 9 protects 10 all day as 8 protects you all night 8 stays away giving you the time you need with 9 but when 8 comes threw they stay with you and protect  your ways and that’s 11, and 12 is the 6 knowing your goodness and wanting to be your friend.

This leaving us with 1, 2, 3 this is you your life and your family.

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